Well, our 2nd full week has come to an end! I love my class, schedule, and the awesome 2nd grade team of teachers I work with! This past week was such a busy week. We had picture day, lots of assessments, and a visit from the Naturalist.
* School pictures will be back in a couple of weeks. If you aren't satisfied with them, we will have picture retakes scheduled. Be watching for my newsletter and information in the Saddlebag!
* Small Group Reading starts this week! I am so excited! We will have reading groups from 1:00 - 2:00 everyday. During this time, students are ability grouped, and I get to give more individualized attention to each student, and their reading skills. This is my favorite part of the day!
* Last Friday, Katie VanDerLinden came to visit our students. She presented us with a certificate. Last year, when your child was in 1st grade, they tagged and released about 40 butterflies. The butterflies migrated, and guess what? ONE WAS FOUND!!! One was found in Mexico, and a scientist in Mexico let us know that this butterfly made it safely. We know it was a female. The kids were so excited to hear this.
Our days are so busy in second grade. Be checking for homework with your child. Each day, he/she should be bringing home a practice math page. On this page, they practice their math facts. I can't believe the difference it is making already. Keep up the good work.
Is your child tired when they get home from school? Here is a cute picture of Natalie, my daughter who is also in 2nd grade. She slept through supper this night!! :)
Stay tuned for another fun and busy week. Feel free to leave a comment below! If you share a comment, it is read aloud in class.
If you have any questions or concerns about anything in my classroom, my door is always open. Feel free to contact me at school.
732-8074 - school
jknapp@slcsd.org - email
Awww... Natalie! That says it all! 2nd grade is hard work!