Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr.

Today was a special day in the Storm Lake Community School District.  Students at all levels honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by having a day of service.   Students in grades 4-12 made soup packets.  They had an 'assembly line' procedure where 10,000 meals were created for those less fortunate.    Students in grades K-3 made cards for the troops, shut ins, or Partners in Excellence.  Our class wrote thank you letters to The Storm Lake Times, our Partners.   We thanked them for putting our pictures in the paper, and coming to eat lunch with us.  They are great partners to have!     We also focused on what we could do to be a better character.  Several quotes were put around the school like:   "I have a dream""Love is the greatest gift you can give",  "You are as good as anyone", "You can be whoever you want to be"..... These quotes were Dr. King's special message that we heard in our video today.     We honored Dr. King today, and are thankful for his words.  We realized that we are so lucky to be living today, and not back then.    It was a good day today. 

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